If you have been considering fishing, hunting, wing shooting, a photo safari or an outdoor vacation for yourself, your family, a special group or business, let us put our years of experience in this business to work for you. We are dedicated professionals who work full time exclusively to serve you. Booking through us will not add any additional cost to your trip because our fees are paid by the services we represent.
We personally experience each new service we represent before we book your trip. Wes Hixon’s Outdoor Adventures and Travel, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality, honesty and personal advise. Let us send you on a trip of a lifetime.
We are a life member/member of the following organizations:
(SCI) Safari Club International – Life Member
Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation and education worldwide.
(NRA) National Rifle Association – Life Member
National Rifle Association
and its members believe in the Constitution, staunch in the defense of citizen’s rights and actively pursuing some of the country’s finest traditions – Hunting and Sports Shooting.

(DSC) Dallas Safari Club – Member
Since 1970. Dallas Safari Club has been one of the World’s premier hunting and conservation organizations. In 2012, Dallas Safari Club granted over $1 million for conservation, education and hunter advocacy efforts.
(IPHA) International Professional Hunters’ Association – Member
It is the mission of the International Professional Hunters’ Association and its worldwide members to advise, educate and facilitate public enjoyment of the natural world. IPHA embraces sound conservation practices, sustained utilization of renewable resources, access to public lands and ethical hunting practices.
(AAIPHFC) American Association of International Professional Hunting and Fishing Consultants – Member
The American Association of International Professional Hunting and Fishing Consultants is an elite gathering of the world’s leading experts in the field of hunting and fishing travel. All members have to met stringent criteria of experience, such as a minimum of five years full time knowledge and education enabling them to provide the very highest standard of service to fellow sportsmen.
(GSC/O) Grand Slam Club/Ovis – Member
Grand Slam Club/Ovis is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of hunter/conservationists dedicated to improving and perpetuating wild sheep and goat populations worldwide.
(TBF) The Billfish Foundation – Member
Working worldwide to advance the conservation of Billfish & associated species to improve the health of oceans and economies.
Global Rescue – Member
Global Rescue: Wes’ personal testimony… “this is a must, for traveling outdoor enthusiasts. I have been a member since Global Rescue was founded, I do not leave home without my membership card. Global Rescue is the only group that will dispatch a team to rescue you on location, worldwide. This is the best rescue policy a traveler can purchase and it is a true bargain!”
The Hunting Report – Member
The Hunting Report is like no other hunting publication. They recommend and turn thumbs down on specific hunting areas and critique good and bad outfitters.