Embark on an exhilarating trophy Tarpon fishing adventure in the heart of Florida’s 10,000 Islands Region. Join Captain Taylor Whitcomb, a devoted advocate of Southeastern Guide Dogs, for an unforgettable day on the water.
Post-college, Taylor channeled his passion for Tarpon fishing into a professional pursuit, earning his U.S. Coast Guard Captain’s license and inviting enthusiasts to experience the thrill.
From March to June, the Tarpon prime season, you and a companion can tackle these majestic fish using fly or conventional gear. A word of caution: Tarpon are big and mighty fish, and for safety’s sake, only one guest is allowed on the boat’s bow at a time.
The excursion is valued at $800 for a day trip, with the option to extend the chase for additional days at standard rates, contingent on Taylor’s schedule. Prepare for a duel with the Silver King in a setting where the Gulf meets the Glades.
Trophy Tarpon Fishing
Dec 7 |